
Michael Fun (Malaysia), Entrepreneur, Church Elder & Youth Ministry Leader with Bandar Sunway Gospel Centre

"I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up, except that it wasn’t a type of Christian Leadership Training. And IT WAS - just that it wasn’t your typical motivational training. Through the Seminar, I had an inside-out transformation that changed my perspective of myself as a husband, a father, a marketplace leader, a church leader and a community leader. I am now challenged to practice what I’ve learnt in my church.."

Dr Teoh Tee Keat (Malaysia), a qualified medical doctor, currently pursuing an advanced medical training in the UK

"I consider the HI Seminar I attended as a major milestone in my journey with Christ. God re-challenged me to obey Him and bring the Gospel to the end of the world"

Trixie Yee (Malaysia), Educator, Active in Children’s Ministry with Sungei Way Christian Church

"It was curiosity that drew me to commit to the six-day training. Little did I expect that the volume of input would surmount my expectations manifold! It convicted me to re-look into my life and to seriously assess my visions and my passions for my church. The Seminar has equipped me to be a better leader for Him."

Dr James Gia Co has a Phd. Dr. Medical research and is currently the CEO of Typmar Wind Solar Energy Vietnam.

" It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from or even what are you doing and how long you know God – If you come to the Haggai seminar, your life can be totally changed in the experience of knowing Him and to live with him; becoming a strong leader in Christian life. It is a torch burning, never ending in your heart, and it is a fresh every day for me. All the materials used in the Seminar have been prepared in a way for us to use in our Christian walk daily. The Facilitators have been well trained to bring alive the simple biblical truths of life for us to adopt for use. You will also be able to meet brothers & sisters from around the world, as we gather as children of One Father, our God in Heaven. "

Simon Teoh, CEO

"The HI National Seminar was truly a transformational experience for me. Having approached our mandate to evangelise with a very inward focused approach for years, this seminar helped me appreciate the call of our Lord to “Go Out” and not stay in the church. I’m now challenged to actively share the good news through word and deed in every given opportunity."